Location: Hsinchu, Taiwan  台灣 新竹
Typology:  Residential
Size: 138m²
Status: Built

The subject residence is formed by joining three apartment units into a 120 degree circular ribbon like space. Using the entrance as center, a thirty meter long circulation can be drawn, the circulation adheres both private and public spaces into unique spatial experience as a whole.

To reflect the circular characteristic of the space, the design uses minimal amount of the fixed wall that creates a space that are dynamic and flexible.

 The reduced use of the fixed wall with the curved circulation allows ever corner of the interior to have access to their own unique outdoor sceneries. The framed windows not only provide access to elements such as views, natural lights and natural ventilation, it also begins a conversation between nature and nurture.

 By extending the window’s view framing elements on to the ceiling, different sizes and arrangements of the “frames” are projected and scattered over the ceilings, this symbolize a bridge between the interior and external living. These “framed” elements on the ceiling integrates air conditionings and lightings, conceals these mechanical means with in. The light and air passing thru the frame enter into the space, like the framed window that lure the sunlight and air breezes into the internal spaces.

 In terms of material selection, the dark colored timber floor with white colored wall and ceiling creates a contrast space with strong presence. The space is then touched up with saturated color furniture that bring the passion into the space that seemed somewhat cold and stiff.

 To conclude, the open space design together with the free circulation planning, this project allows the

    住宅是將三戶單元打通後形成一個120度環形帶狀的空間, 以入口玄關為中心可以畫出一條30公尺長的弧形生活動線, 串聯起不同的公私密空間。主要的設計精神是用最少的固定式牆面,來創造出一個兼具彈性與流動性可以呼應圓形空間特質的一個生活場域,也因為盡量減少牆面的元素,透過貫穿的弧形動線規劃得以讓室內的任何一個角落都能透過不同的窗口, 看到窗外屬於每個空間獨特的景觀,讓陽光, 空氣和窗景作為空間中的主要元素, 增進室內生活與大自然間的對話。因而也延伸出借用窗口為意象的”框景”來作為天花板主要的設計概念, 讓牆上大小框住不同景色的方型窗口, 向上延伸到散佈在天花板上, 象徵性的打破室內外的邊界與對話,同時這些元素也整合著空調與燈光,框內的燈光會像窗口引進的陽光一樣照亮室內, 成為空間中獨特的設計元素。

    材料的選擇上地板主要是以深色的木地板來做出一個溫暖又兼具個性的地板調性,搭配白色的天花板和牆面,調出一個黑白對比較強烈的空間感,最後再搭配數個彩度較高的家具和裝飾品在原本偏冷調性的空間中創造出生活中需要的暖度與熱情,最後在開放式的空間規劃與自由的動線規畫下, 讓室內的空間經驗得以連貫和堆疊,並創造出許多不同的生活體驗。